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Principal Investigator
Dr. John T. Wixted

My main research interests lie in the area of human memory. Most of my recent research has been concerned with (1) signal-detection theory and dual-process models of recognition memory, (2) ROC analysis and eyewitness identification, and (3) single unit activity in the human hipocampus during recognition memory. I also investigate the nature of forgetting and its possible relationship to consolidation processes. My Curriculum Vitae is mostly up to date, and PDFs of my recent publications can be found here.
Graduate Students
Katherine Ingram

I received my B.A. in Psychology from Grinnell College in 2008, and my M.A. in Experimental Psychology from UC San Diego in 2011. Currently I am a fifth year graduate student in the Experimental Psychology PhD program at UCSD, and a member of the Wixted Lab. My research involves combining signal-detection and dual-process models of recognition memory with experimental manipulations in the lab in order to probe the nature of recollection and familiarity in human memory. Current projects include exploring recollection and familiarity in the domain of pattern separation and pattern completion, and looking at recollection and familiarity in healthy aging and dementia (primarily Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's disease). If you have any further questions please feel free to e-mail me at kingram@ucsd.edu.
Joel Pic
Joel Kuhn

After receiving my B.A. at the University of Colorado, I worked in the Kahana Lab at the University of Pennsylvania where my work studying human episodic memory began.  I am now a second year PhD student in the Wixted lab.  My primary research focuses on learning how episodic memories are coded at the most basic cellular level. This is carried out using the exciting method of human single-unit recordings.  When I'm not in the lab I can usually be found outdoors taking advantage of San Diego's beautiful weather and waves.


Lab Alumni

Joel Pic
Senior Lecturer
Royal Holloway, University of London
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